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Detective Melissa Mercado is a $144,000-a-year New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who has been with the force for seven years, records show. NYPD Detective Melissa Mercado has not yet Melissa Mercado, a seven-year veteran of New York's Finest, popped up on a music video published by World Hip Hop. NYPDSVU/X "I have no words," one disgusted detective said. Detective Melissa Mercado, an NYPD officer with 7 years under her badge, is going viral for taking her uniform off in favor of a bra and G-string to dance as a video vixen stripper!!!. New York A police officer is facing backlash after making an off-duty cameo as a rap video vixen. Melissa Mercado, a seven-year NYPD veteran, appeared as a provocative pole-dancer in a New York rapper's "She was one of the stars," director Pitch Perfect said about Bronx detective Melissa Mercado, who set hearts racing as she danced in a black bra, matching G-string and glitter boots in rapper NYPD detective Melissa Mercado is under fire & facing backlash after pole dancing in a rap video, and people are now calling for the 7 year detective to lose her job 👀😳 pic.twitter.com Seven-year NYPD veteran Melissa Mercado rebranded her identity in a raunchy light after popping up on a music video for Hempstead rapper S-Quire's "Doin That." Published by World Hip Hop in Melissa Mercado, a detective with the New York Police Department, has gone viral for doing a pole dance on rapper S-Squire's music video 'Doin That.'Mercado is a seven-year veteran at the NYPD and she works as a detective for the Bronx Special Victims Unit. The video, released four months ago, resurfaced after a news report cited unnamed detectives who hit out at her action, calling it shocking. A detective in the New York City police department's special victims' unit is raising eyebrows after appearing in a raunchy pole-dancing video that's gone viral, The New York Post reports. Melissa Mercado, a seven-year veteran of NYPD, popped up on a music video
published by World Hip Hop, which shows the curvy Mercado gyrating and shaking her body while wearing only a thong and a skimpy An NYPD detective, Melissa Mercado, is facing backlash after a viral pole dance video of her surfaced online. The revealing music video has led to criticism of her role as a police officer.
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