Full paris harvey instagram paris harvey live stream paris and caron live video xgo
12 year old accidentally shoots her 14 year old cousin on live before taking her own life. The Instagram live caught the 2 kids in the bathroom playing with a gun. The gun went off into the head of the 14 year old boy and she then falls to the ground and shoots herself. Paris Harvey, 12, shot her cousin, Kuaron Harvey, 14, at the Cupples Station Loft Apartments in the 1000 block of Spruce Street. The original Instagram live video was posted to the ksbg.paris account, in the early hours of March 25th, 2022. The original, highly circulated video comes from a screen recording of the archived live-stream, taken from a logged in session of Paris Harvey's Instagram account. Screenshots from Kuaron Harvey's Instagram indicate that unsupervised activity with firearms was fairly frequent in the Paris and Kuaron Harvey were often together making videos and pulling pranks. Family members said Paris, who was one of nine children, was a funny seventh grader who loved getting her hair and Police are still investigating Friday's incident in which a 12-year-old girl, Paris Harvey, shot a 14-year-old boy, Kuaron Harvey, before shooting herself. Police initially described it as a Police in St. Louis classified the incident as a murder-suicide, but a relative of Paris Harvey, 12, and Kuaron Harvey, 14, said the shooting was a "freak accident." Get more news Live Paris and Kuaron Harvey were often together making videos and pulling pranks. Family members said Paris, who was one of nine children, was a funny seventh grader who loved getting her hair and Police are still investigating Friday's incident in which a 12-year-old girl, Paris Harvey, shot a 14-year-old boy, Kuaron Harvey, before shooting herself. Police initially described it as a Paris and Kuaron Harvey were often together making videos and pulling pranks. Family members said Paris, who was one of nine children, was a funny seventh grader who loved getting her hair and Police are still investigating Friday's incident in which
a 12-year-old girl, Paris Harvey, shot a 14-year-old boy, Kuaron Harvey, before shooting herself. Police initially described it as a murder-suicide. The girl's grandmother, Susan Dyson, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she saw the Instagram Live video the two cousins were making Full unedited incident video of Paris Harvey and Kuaron Harvey. paris-harvey-and-caron-live-stream-video.mp4. That night, the cousins were in the bathroom, filming an Instagram Live video in front of the mirror. The carefree nature of the video suggests they were unaware of the grave danger they were in.
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