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Drake, 37, addressed the alleged inappropriate leaked X-rated video of him going around on social media. referring to Drake's real name, Aubrey Graham. "We haven't seen Jermaine Cole in The headboard of the leaked video seems to match the one that Drake has on his $220 million private jet. However, the 37-year-old seemingly didn't mind the video leak as he laughed it off when A video allegedly showing rapper Drake has leaked on Twitter / X.It shows him in a private moment, fully exposed to the camera. The video is spreading fast on social media, causing shocked reactions, memes and discourse about whether or not it's really Drake. In fact, Drake has even informally responded to the video on an Adin Ross Kick stream, seemingly laughing off the scandal. Drake has finally spoken out over the controversy surrounding his explicit video that went viral online. On Tuesday, the Canadian rapper was trending on X for an alleged leaked video in which his Drake has broken his silence after an extremely X-rated video allegedly of the rapper went viral.. The superstar, 37, broke the internet on Tuesday morning as a shocking, explicit video circulated 37-year-old Drake's name was quickly put to the video, with some claiming the man in the footage was the Aubrey Graham himself. The video itself has been viewed millions of times in the few hours Drake became the No. 1 trending topic on X after an alleged leaked video appeared to show the 37-year-old rapper laying naked in bed from the waist down while engaging in a sexual act. 8 SECONDS VIDEO: Watch Full Rapper Drake Leaked Bedroom Tape Here—-Aubrey Drake Graham, a popular Canadian rapper and musician better known as Drake, is currently trending online after his bedroom recording leaked.. This comes only hours after a video of him appeared online in which he praised artists who were nominated for Grammys but did not win. Drake has issued a response after he went viral across X/Twitter due to a leaked video of him, as streamer Adin
Ross sent him a voice memo to ask about it. Register Sign in Login to enable dark mode. Drake's Response to Alleged Leaked Explicit Video. The video, purportedly showing a man similar to Drake, engaging in an explicit act, garnered the attention of the internet, sparking a flurry of reactions. Drake, the acclaimed Canadian rapper and vocalist, recently found himself embroiled in a social media maelstrom on February 6th.
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