Kulhad Pizza Viral Video Full Exclusive Link (Telegram Inside!) hbo
Download Telegram About. Blog. Apps. Platform. Join Khullad pizza couple viral 😋 video. 1.08K subscribers. Full videos enjoy You can view and join @curvywonderland right away. The Kulhad Pizza couple, Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur, have moved to the United Kingdom. They faced controversy, online trolling, and even death threats. The trouble began with a photo involving an air rifle and worsened when explicit videos were leaked. They also faced protests and legal battles. They relocated for a fresh start with their son, Waris. Last month, 'The Kulhad Pizza ' couple from Punjab had alleged that their newly purchased car has been vandalized with bricks by miscreants. Sehaj Arora accused people of being 'jealous' of his 'hard work.' He posted a video on his Instagram account showing the car's shattered windows, with a brick lying nearby. The couple became famous in 2022 when a video of them serving pizza in traditional clay pots called kulhads went viral on social media. Their unique way of doing business with food quickly made All (18+)only 26.5K members. @all18plusonly. Open a Channel via Telegram app; Preview channel. Don't have Telegram yet? Open via web telegram; or. Get telegram app Punjab's 'Kulhad Pizza' couple Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur have appealed for public support in the wake of an explicit viral video. The couple, who recently became parents, alleged the incident was a result of an extortion bid and said the viral video in question is "morphed". Gurpreet Kaur, part of the Kulhad Pizza couple, has captivated audiences with a viral dance video on a Haryanvi song. Despite an infamous leaked MMS scandal, Gurpreet and her husband Sehaj Arora A woman has been arrested for allegedly leaking the private video of Ludhiana's viral Kulhad pizza couple Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur. Police said the woman was fired due to her unsatisfactory performance. She then created a fake Instagram account and messaged Arora, threatening to leak his "private video" if he
did not send her Rs 20,000. Kulhad Pizza Couple Viral Video: The couple has registered a police complaint. In a video shared on Instagram, Sehaj said that he approached the police and filed an official complaint. He also
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