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An explicit video featuring Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman in a compromising situation was all over social media in November last year. After her video went viral, she deactivated her social media accounts. Now, for the first time, she has spoken out about the fake video that turned her life upside down. Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman has now spoken up about the fake video that created disturbance in her life. Vaishali Shastri Updated : Feb 05, 2025, 08:35 PM IST Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman has cleared the controversy around a video that showcased her in an inappropriate video. In November 2024 Pakistani influencer Imsha Rehman's explicit videos were leaked online in November 2024 In a recent interview with Nukta Pakistan, the TikToker clarified that the explicit videos were fake and Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman has broken her silence after months of staying offline due to a fake explicit video scandal. In a recent interview, she revealed that the viral doctored videos severely impacted her life, preventing her from attending university and exposing her to death threats. Rehman criticized social media users who create and spread such content without considering the Imsha Rehman, a Pakistani TikToker, faced severe backlash and death threats after fake explicit videos were leaked online, which she claims were created by hackers. Despite the overwhelming A screenshot shared by The Express Tribune showed Ms Rehman's TikTok page where she had changed the bio to, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai (Till the time video is viral, I Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman faces severe trolling after explicit videos went viral due to a data breach. In response, she has deactivated her social media account, becoming another victim of Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman is currently facing intense trolling after her explicit videos went viral on social media. Reacting to the controversy, Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media account. The TikToker became
the new victim of privacy breach after her explicit videos went viral, being shared widely on WhatsApp. Imsha Rehman Viral Video Leak: Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman deactivated her social media accounts. Her explicit videos were leaked online. The videos showed Rehman in a compromising position with a friend. They were shared on platforms like X and Instagram. Rehman spoke about the pressure of living in the public eye. She said the backlash was overwhelming. Pakistani TikTok Viral Video: Imsha Rehman has unfortunately become a victim of a privacy breach. (Screengrab) After Minahil Malik, another Pakistani TikTok star, Imsha Rehman, has found herself in hot water after her explicit video went viral on social media. She is now facing the same backlash Malik received, with many accusing her of
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