Chief Baltasar Engonga Viral Video Trending rbt
As well as being related to the president, Mr Engonga is the son of Baltasar Engonga Edjo'o, the head of the regional economic and monetary union, Cemac, and very influential in the country. Following the furore over the videos, Equatorial Guinea's chief prosecutor Anatolio Nzang Nguema told state TV that if Mr Engonga was found to have been "infected with a sexually transmitted Baltasar Ebang Engonga, a high-ranking Equatorial Guinea official, has been fired after hundreds of videos showing him having sex with women went viral on social media. In the videos, Engonga, who Baltasar Ebang Engonga, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Agency for Financial Investigation (ANIF) in Equatorial Guinea, is currently embroiled in a significant scandal that has garnered widespread attention. Viral Video of Baltasar Engonga's Wife with Another Man Emerges. Next Article Jay-Z, Diddy Accused of Rape in Federal Wia dis foto come from, Chief Baltasar Engonga/X Baltasar Ebang Engonga, na high-ranking Equatorial Guinean goment official and politician. Di 54-year-old man get six pikin wit im wife. A knacking video of Baltasar Ebang Engonga, the Director General of the National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF) in Equatorial Guinea, has lΙakΙd online, sparking widespread debate. The viral video shows Engonga, who bears a striking resemblance to adult film star Johnny Sins, with a woman in a bedroom setting. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, the Director General of Equatorial Guinea's National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF), has become embroiled in a scandal after intimate videos featuring him were leaked online. The videos reportedly show Engonga, a close relative of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, engaging in sexual acts with various women, including wives and daughters of senior government Na di viral "sex tapes" wey leak on social media afta di reported arrest of di director general of di National Financial Investigation Agency, Baltasar Engonga, on unrelated graft
charges make A high-ranking Equatorial Guinean official, Baltasar Ebang Engonga, has been dismissed following the release of explicit videos showing him in intimate encounters with multiple women, including The recent Baltasar Engonga leaked video has sparked widespread controversy, affecting public perception and highlighting critical issues within Equatorial Guinea's government. The video, which has quickly gone viral, has led to investigations of high-ranking officials, including a strong response from the Vice President.
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