US Woman Fake Jewellery Jaipur Video myr
A US woman was duped into buying artificial jewellery worth ₹ 300 for a whopping ₹ 6 crore by a jeweller father-son duo in Jaipur, Rajasthan. According to th A US woman, Cherish, was allegedly scammed into buying ₹300 worth of artificial jewelry for ₹6 crore by a father-son jeweler duo in Jaipur. Nearly two years A US national was swindled into purchasing fake jewellery valued at Rs 6 crore from a shop in Jaipur. Watch the video to know more.#fakejewellery #jaipurjewe Jaipur/Delhi: A US woman was duped into buying artificial jewellery worth Rs 300 for a whopping Rs 6 crore by a Rajasthan shop owner, the police said. A US woman was allegedly duped into buying artificial jewellery worth Rs 300 for Rs 6 crore by a jeweller father-son duo in Jaipur. According to the police, Cherish, who is an American citizen, spent Rs 6 crore on jewellery from a shop in the city's Gopalji Ka Rasta nearly two years ago. JAIPUR: A US woman was allegedly tricked into buying artificial jewellery worth Rs 300 for Rs 6 crore by a father-son duo in Jaipur, police said. Nortje discovered that the jewellery was fake A Jaipur-based shopkeeper has been accused of scamming an American woman into paying ₹ 6 crore for artificial jewellery that was actually worth a mere ₹ 300. According to a report in the US Woman Duped into Buying Fake Jewelry Worth ₹6 Crore in Jaipur, Returns to India to File Complaint. Jaipur/Delhi: In a shocking turn of events, a US woman was swindled into purchasing artificial jewelry worth ₹300 for a staggering ₹6 crore by a shop owner in Rajasthan, according to police reports.. Cherish, a US citizen, acquired the gold-polished silver jewelry from a shop located in A jeweller and his son from Jaipur are absconding after allegedly duping a US-based woman of ₹ 6 crore by selling fake jewellery over the last two years, the police said.. Representational image. In a shocking incident, a US woman was duped into buying artificial jewellery worth Rs 300 for a
whopping Rs 6 crore by a Rajasthan shop owner, the police said. The accused shopkeeper and his son
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