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Also Read: Pakistani TikTok star Minahil Malik's old clip goes viral after intimate video leak Social media presence Besides running a successful TikTok channel, she is also on Instagram. In the latest, another Pakistani TikTok influencer has become the victim of an alleged private video leak. This is the fourth such incident within a span of a few weeks. Prominent Pakistani influencer Kanwal Aftab's alleged video leak comes after similar incidents involving celebrities Mathira Khan, Minahil Malik and Imsha Rehman. Pakistani TikTok star Kanwal Aftab is the latest public figure to fall victim to a personal video leak, a troubling trend that has recently gripped the country's social media scene. This marks The troubling trend of leaked videos started with Pakistani TikTok star Minahil Malik. In October, an intimate video of Malik with her boyfriend surfaced and quickly went viral on social media. Malik addressed the explicit video leak in a statement on Instagram. It read, "It was not easy for me but I'm done. It's hard to say goodbye. No Kanwal Aftab video leak: Pakistani TikTok influencer Kanwal Aftab has become the latest victim of a growing trend of personal video leaks. MMS clips allegedly showing Aftab in a compromising The first incident of MMS leak was reported after Pakistani TikToker Minahil Malik's intimate video went viral. While the influencer alleged that the video was fake, Pakistani actress Mishi Khan Prominent Pakistani TV host Najiba Faiz is the latest victim of a private video leak scandal, following similar incidents involving Maryam Faisal, Kanwal Aftab, Minahil Malik, Imsha Rehman, and In 2014, she married renowned Pakistani singer Farran J Mirza, but the couple separated in 2018 after four years of marriage. They have a son, Aahil Rizvi. With a massive following of 2.6 million on Instagram and over 59,000 followers on X, Mathira describes herself as "selcouth". Pakistani TikTok Viral Video Minahil Mailk Pakistani social media influencers
continue to find themselves at the centre of a growing digital abuse crisis, with explicit content being leaked and going viral online. The latest to become embroiled in this troubling trend is Kanwal Aftab, a popular TikTok personality and social media influencer. A screenshot shared by The Express Tribune showed Ms Rehman's TikTok page where she had changed the bio to, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai (Till the time video is viral, I
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