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Mona Alam, a rising star from Afghanistan, has taken social media by storm with her original video. This video, showcasing a unique and heartfelt message, quickly gained attention across platforms Mona Alam, the Pakistani host of the show 'Question Hour with Mona Alam' for Hum News, has fallen prey to a vicious smear campaign. She has filed a legal complaint after an alleged explicit video of the anchor began circulating online. Mona Alam is setting the record straight clarifying the video is fake. Pakistani TV anchor Mona Alam has addressed the viral claims surrounding an alleged explicit video. In a recent post on X, Mona shared a screenshot of the video circulating under her name and said Pakistani news anchor Mona Alam addresses the viral s*x tape controversy that has been circulating on social media. In a bold move, she categorically denies any involvement in the leaked video and Mona Alam private video leaked: Renowned Pakistani news anchor Mona Alam has refuted allegations surrounding a fabricated explicit viral MMS video falsely linked to her. Pakistani news anchor Mona Alam addresses the viral s*x tape controversy that has been circulating on social media. In a bold move, she categorically denies Pakistani news anchor Mona Alam on Wednesday reacted to social media claims that an explicit video of her had surfaced on X. The 40-year-old, who hosts a show named 'Question Hour with Mona Alam' on channel Hum News, shared a screenshot of the purpoted video and said it is not her. TV show host Mona Alam became the latest victim of the menace, as explicit images and videos falsely linking her to the content, prompted her response. 2,794 Followers, 1 Following, 122 Posts - Mona Alam (@monaa.alam) on Instagram: "Weekend Prime time Show Presenter at" Leaked Viral Videos Watch & Download Access stream all the exclusive live sports and the latest episodes of your favorite shows and All Events on Watch elmasviral.
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